Grade 3 Families: LES Administration will be hosting a virtual parent orientation to inform families of what they should expect as their child moves ahead to 4th Grade. Please click on the following link to register and receive the Google Meet link: https://5il.co/2nl3s ....Familias de 3er grado: La administración de LES organizará una orientación virtual para padres para informar a las familias sobre lo que deben esperar a medida que su hijo avanza al 4to grado. Haga clic en el siguiente enlace para registrarse y recibir el enlace de Google Meet: https://5il.co/2nl3s

Grade 3 Families: LES Administration will be hosting a virtual parent orientation to inform families of what they should expect as their child moves ahead to 4th Grade. Please click on the following link to register and receive the Google Meet link: https://5il.co/2nl3s ....Familias de 3er grado: La administración de LES organizará una orientación virtual para padres para informar a las familias sobre lo que deben esperar a medida que su hijo avanza al 4to grado. Haga clic en el siguiente enlace para registrarse y recibir el enlace de Google Meet: https://5il.co/2nl3s

Lawrence Primary School Families: A friendly reminder about our upcoming half day tomorrow. This will be a half day and dismissal will be at 11:15am. Thank you!...... Familias de la escuela primaria Lawrence: Un recordatorio amistoso sobre nuestro próximo medio día de mañana. Esto será medio día y la salida será a las 11:15 am. ¡Gracias!

As a reminder, tomorrow is our Spring Parent Like a Champion event. This will take place virtually at 6PM and will focus on setting and maintaining healthy screen habits. To receive the link to attend, register here: https://forms.gle/BergfUmxz2at1fjD8

Lawrence Primary School Families: A friendly reminder about our upcoming half day on June 5th. This will be a half day and dismissal will be at 11:15am. Thank you!...... Familias de la escuela primaria Lawrence: Un recordatorio amistoso sobre nuestro próximo medio día el 5 de junio. Esto será medio día y la salida será a las 11:15 am. ¡Gracias!

Our Spring Parent Like a Champion event will take place virtually at 6PM on June 4th. As technology use continues to increase, Dr. Vera Feuer and Dani Ospina from Northwell Health, will be sharing information on how to set and maintain healthy screen habits. For more information and to register, use the link below: https://forms.gle/BergfUmxz2at1fjD8 We hope to see you there!

Lawrence Primary School Families: A friendly reminder there is no school on Monday in observance of Memorial Day. We will return to school on Tuesday, May 28th....Familias de la Escuela Primaria Lawrence: Un recordatorio amistoso de que no hay clases el lunes en conmemoración del Día de los Caídos. Regresaremos a la escuela el martes 28 de mayo.

On behalf of our Board of Education, district administration, building administrators and district faculty and staff, I would like to extend my gratitude and appreciation to the Lawrence community for approving our 2024-2025 budget and capital project propositions. With this budget, we can continue to provide the highest quality education our students deserve.
Together, we are investing in our children's future and giving them the skills and knowledge they will need to succeed in their future endeavors and wherever their passions and interests may lead them.
Thank you for your trust and commitment to our schools and our students. We are looking forward to the final weeks of this academic year and to another year of growth and success in reaching wildly important goals !
Dr. Pedersen

Grade 3 Families: Please click on the attached link for our Grade 3 Moving Up Save the Date! More information will be shared in the upcoming weeks! https://5il.co/2lg8x ...... Familias de 3 grado: ¡Haga clic en el enlace adjunto para nuestro ascenso de 3er grado, reserve la fecha! ¡Se compartirá más información en las próximas semanas! https://5il.co/2lg8x

Primary School Families: We are excited to welcome you to our Family Fitness Night on Wednesday, May 15th from 5:30 - 7:00PM at the Lawrence Primary School gymnasium. Please complete a permission slip if you plan to attend. We have a variety of exciting guests for night full of fitness fun! https://5il.co/2ksf9....Familias de la escuela primaria: Nos complace darles la bienvenida a nuestra Noche de ejercicio familiar el miércoles 15 de mayo de 5:30 a 7:00 p. m. en el gimnasio de la escuela primaria Lawrence. Complete una hoja de permiso si planea asistir. ¡Tenemos una variedad de invitados interesantes para una noche llena de diversión física! https://5il.co/2ksf9

Primary School Families: We are excited to welcome you to our Family Fitness Night on Wednesday, May 15th from 5:30 - 7:00PM at the Lawrence Primary School gymnasium. Please complete a permission slip if you plan to attend. We have a variety of exciting guests for night full of fitness fun!....Familias de la escuela primaria: Nos complace darles la bienvenida a nuestra Noche de ejercicio familiar el miércoles 15 de mayo de 5:30 a 7:00 p. m. en el gimnasio de la escuela primaria Lawrence. Complete una hoja de permiso si planea asistir. ¡Tenemos una variedad de invitados interesantes para una noche llena de diversión física!

Hello Lawrence Families, as we look towards the end of the school year, Lawrence School District has a lot to celebrate! A full list of upcoming events highlighting the many achievements of our students can be found here: https://secure.smore.com/n/f3bet-events-to-look-forward-to

Lawrence Primary School Families: May 6th - May 10th is Teacher Appreciation Week! Please help us in showing our faculty and staff how much we appreciate all they do by joining us in a week of activities! Please see the attached flyer for more details https://5il.co/2kbii .... Familias de la escuela primaria Lawrence: ¡del 6 al 10 de mayo es la Semana de Agradecimiento a los Maestros! ¡Ayúdenos a mostrarle a nuestros profesores y personal cuánto apreciamos todo lo que hacen uniéndose a nosotros en una semana de actividades! Consulte el folleto adjunto para obtener más detalles.

Spring forward to your WIDLY IMPORTANT GOALS

We return to school from spring break on Wednesday, May 1st . There is still plenty of time in the school year to achieve your wildly important goals! I look forward to seeing everyone back on Wednesday for the final 39 school days of this year.
Dr. Pedersen

LPS Families: A friendly reminder that school is closed for Spring Break from Monday, April 22nd until Tuesday, April 30th! School will resume on Wednesday, May 1st. We wish all our staff, students and families a wonderful Spring Break and Happy Holidays to all who celebrate Passover!...¡Un recordatorio amistoso de que la escuela está cerrada durante las vacaciones de primavera desde el lunes 22 de abril hasta el martes 30 de abril! La escuela se reanudará el miércoles 1 de mayo. ¡Le deseamos a todo nuestro personal, estudiantes y familias unas maravillosas vacaciones de primavera y felices fiestas a todos los que celebran la Pascua y la Pascua!

Lawrence Primary School Families: A reminder that our 2023-2024 school yearbook is now on sale for $25! Be sure to order yours today by either completing the attached form or using the QR code on the flyer to order online! https://5il.co/2ioo1 ..... Familias de la escuela primaria Lawrence: ¡Un recordatorio de que nuestro anuario 2023-2024 ya está a la venta por $25! ¡Asegúrese de ordenar el suyo hoy completando el formulario adjunto o usando el código QR en el folleto para ordenar en línea!

Lawrence Primary School Families: We will be hosting a Virtual Parent Workshop beginning at 6:00PM via Google Meet. Learn about how to support your child's academic growth over the summer and community resources available to keep your child engaged! Please see the attached flyer for more information https://5il.co/2hu9m...Familias de la escuela primaria Lawrence: organizaremos un taller virtual para padres a partir de las 6:00 p. m. a través de Google Meet. ¡Aprenda cómo apoyar el crecimiento académico de su hijo durante el verano y los recursos comunitarios disponibles para mantener a su hijo involucrado! Por favor vea el volante adjunto para más información https://5il.co/2hu9m

Lawrence Families, Please see our most recent newsletter that showcases improvements made to our learning environments here in the District. We are so proud of the children as they embrace their learning and proud to improve the environment for them. -Dr. Pedersen https://www.smore.com/n/42jtm-facilities-update

Lawrence Primary School Families: We will be hosting a Virtual Parent Workshop on Thursday, April 18th beginning at 6:00 via Google Meet. Learn about how to support your child's academic growth over the summer and community resources available to keep your child engaged! Please see the attached flyer for more information https://5il.co/2hu9m..Organizaremos un taller virtual para padres el jueves 18 de abril a partir de las 6:00 a través de Google Meet. ¡Aprenda cómo apoyar el crecimiento académico de su hijo durante el verano y los recursos comunitarios disponibles para mantener a su hijo involucrado! Por favor vea el volante adjunto para más información https://5il.co/2hu9m