Lawrence Families - Your children are actively building a strong foundation for their successful school year through academic, athletic and community activities. Read more in the attached smore. In November we will have parent conferences to talk with you about their individual goals and progress. Brick by brick! -Dr. Pedersen
4 months ago, Lawrence District 15
Lawrence Primary School Families: The Lawrence High School National Honor Society is hosting its annual Safe Trick or Treat event on Wednesday, October 30th from 5 - 7 PM at Lawrence High School. We hope you can join, in costume, for this exciting event!....La Sociedad Nacional de Honor de Lawrence High School organizará su evento anual Safe Trick or Treat el miércoles 30 de octubre de 5 a 7 p.m. en Lawrence High School. ¡Esperamos que puedas unirte, disfrazado, a este emocionante evento!
4 months ago, Lawrence Primary School
Our Lawrence Primary School Pumpkin Patch will be tomorrow, October 25th. We recommend sending in a reusable bag with your student to help with carrying their pumpkin home. Thank you to our PTA for sponsoring this event!...Nuestro huerto de calabazas de la escuela primaria Lawrence será mañana, 25 de octubre. Recomendamos enviar una bolsa reutilizable con su estudiante para ayudarlo a llevar su calabaza a casa. ¡Gracias a nuestra PTA por patrocinar este evento!
4 months ago, Lawrence Primary School
Lawrence Varsity Soccer has their playoff match at 3pm at LHS. . A win today will bring our team to the semifinals . . This game will also be live streamed through our Tornado Sports Network YouTube channel: Get inspired by these inspirational athletes by watching this highlight reel! Go Tornadoes!
4 months ago, Dr. Ann Pedersen
Lawrence Primary School is proud to host Family Literacy Night! Please join us Tuesday, October 29th starting at 5:30PM for a night filled with opportunities for you and your child to experience the joys of reading together! There will be a guest author, literacy games and an opportunity to leave with a variety of resources...¡La Escuela Primaria Lawrence se enorgullece de organizar la Noche de Alfabetización Familiar! ¡Únase a nosotros el martes 29 de octubre a partir de las 5:30 p. m. para una noche llena de oportunidades para que usted y su hijo experimenten el placer de leer juntos! Habrá un autor invitado, juegos de alfabetización y la oportunidad de irse con una variedad de recursos.
5 months ago, Lawrence Primary School
Congratulations to Lawrence Soccer and Coach Lagasse.
5 months ago, Dr. Ann Pedersen
Lawrence Soccer
Lawrence Primary School Families: There is no school on Monday, October 14th for Columbus Day. We will return to school on Tuesday, October 15th....Familias de la escuela primaria Lawrence: No habrá clases el lunes 14 de octubre por el Día de la Raza. Regresaremos a la escuela el martes 15 de octubre.
5 months ago, Lawrence Primary School
Lawrence Primary School Families: On Tuesday, October 15th, we will be hosting a Virtual Parent Workshop about how we can support our students in reaching the maximum potential this school year. There will be a session at 12:00PM and another at 7:00PM via Google Meet. Please see the attached flyer for more information martes 15 de octubre organizaremos un taller virtual para padres sobre cómo podemos ayudar a nuestros estudiantes a alcanzar su máximo potencial este año escolar. Habrá una sesión a las 12:00 horas y otra a las 19:00 horas a través de Google Meet. Consulte el folleto adjunto para obtener más información
5 months ago, Lawrence Primary School
Virtual Parent Workshop
The Lawrence Primary School will be having our Fall Scholastic Book Fair from October 8 - October 10th! Students will be able to visit the Book Fair during the school day to purchase items from the fair!.......¡La Escuela Primaria Lawrence tendrá nuestra Feria del Libro Scholastic de Otoño del 8 al 10 de octubre! ¡Los estudiantes podrán visitar la Feria del Libro durante el día escolar para comprar artículos de la feria!
5 months ago, Lawrence Primary School
Book Fair
School will be closed Thursday, October 3rd and Friday, October 4th for Rosh Hashanah. We will return to school on Monday, October 7th. Happy Rosh Hashanah to all that celebrate!....La escuela estará cerrada el jueves 3 de octubre y el viernes 4 de octubre por Rosh Hashaná. Regresaremos a la escuela el lunes 7 de octubre. ¡Feliz Rosh Hashaná a todos los que celebran!
5 months ago, Lawrence Primary School
Lawrence Primary School: Cub Scouts starts for all grades next week! Monday for Grade 1, Tuesday for Grade 2 and Wednesday for Grade 3. Pick up is at 5:00PM at the front door. If interested, it is not to late to sign up. Please contact the main office and we can send home a registration flyer....¡Los Cub Scouts comienzan para todos los grados la próxima semana! Lunes para Grado 1, martes para Grado 2 y miércoles para Grado 3. La recogida es a las 5:00 p.m. en la puerta principal. Si está interesado, no es demasiado tarde para registrarse. Comuníquese con la oficina principal y podremos enviar a casa un folleto de inscripción.
5 months ago, Lawrence Primary School
Lawrence Primary School Picture Day is Tuesday, October 1st! Please send your child in with the photo slip and money if interested in purchasing school photos .....¡El día de fotografías de la escuela primaria Lawrence es el martes 1 de octubre! Por favor envíe a su hijo con el comprobante de fotografía y dinero si está interesado en comprar fotografías escolares.
5 months ago, Lawrence Primary School
Picture Day
Lawrence Primary School: Bring your Lawrence spirit and join us as we march for the Lawrence High School Homecoming Saturday, September 28th. We will meet at Cedarhurst Park starting at 12:00PM and plan to begin marching by 12:30PM. We look forward to seeing our learners and families there!...Traiga su espíritu de Lawrence y únase a nosotros en la marcha para el regreso a casa de Lawrence High School el sábado 28 de septiembre. Nos reuniremos en Cedarhurst Park a partir de las 12:00 p. m. y planeamos comenzar la marcha a las 12:30 p. m. ¡Esperamos ver a nuestros alumnos y familias allí!
5 months ago, Lawrence Primary School
Lawrence Primary School Back to School Night will be on Thursday, September 19 at 6pm! Families will enter through the gymnasium prior to visiting their child's classroom. To accommodate all our families and optimize your time in the classrooms, we ask you limit the number of attendees to only parents/guardians. See you there!....La Noche de Regreso a Clases de la Escuela Primaria Lawrence será el jueves 19 de septiembre a las 6:00 p. m. Las familias entrarán por el gimnasio antes de visitar el salón de clases de sus hijos. Para acomodar a todas nuestras familias y optimizar su tiempo en las aulas, le pedimos que limite el número de asistentes a solo padres/tutores. ¡Te veo allí
6 months ago, Lawrence Primary School
LPS Families: Thank you for a great start to the school year. We will be having our first fire drill this week. Our staff has been reviewing our safety protocols with students to ensure all are prepared with how to respond. Safety is our priority and we will continue to review all our protocols throughout the year....Gracias por un gran comienzo del año escolar. Esta semana tendremos nuestro primer simulacro de incendio. Nuestro personal ha estado revisando nuestros protocolos de seguridad con los estudiantes para garantizar que todos estén preparados sobre cómo responder. La seguridad es nuestra prioridad y seguiremos revisando todos nuestros protocolos durante todo el año.
6 months ago, Lawrence Primary School
Hello Lawrence Families! We are off to a smooth start and look forward to a great year ahead. Please use this link to review important school safety information.
6 months ago, Lawrence District 15
We are so excited to welcome back our learners for the 2024-2025 School Year tomorrow, September 5th! Our school day schedule is 8:45-3:25PM. If your child is a walker, please bring them to the Gymnasium or Breezeway Entrance by 8:45AM. Parents will not be permitted in the building on the first day of school. Please send your child into school with their Dismissal Form which was in the Welcome Packet and a note each day that says your child will be a walker. Supplies can be brought in throughout the week and do not need to be dropped off the first day. If you have any questions or need to notify the school about a change in dismissal, please call the Main Office before 1:00PM at 516-295-6201. We are looking forward to a fantastic First Day!
6 months ago, Lawrence Primary School
Back to School
Lawrence Families! We cannot wait to see all the New & Returning Students coming for the 2024-2025 School Year! Some Reminders & Information about First Day of School, Busing, Important Contacts & Attendance! Click:
7 months ago, Lawrence District 15
Good afternoon, Lawrence families! We hope you are enjoying this beautiful Summer season. Plans and preparations for the new school year are well underway. We look forward to welcoming our learners back on September 5! A copy of the school calendar and an update on some of our preparations can be found here:
7 months ago, Lawrence District 15
Lawrence Primary School Families: A friendly reminder there is no school on Wednesday in observance of Juneteenth. We will return to school on Thursday, June 20th....Familias de la escuela primaria Lawrence: Un recordatorio amistoso de que no hay clases el miércoles en conmemoración del 16 de junio. Regresaremos a clases el jueves 20 de junio.
9 months ago, Lawrence Primary School