Lawrence Friday January 15th
We had no cases today reported districtwide today.
Monday school will be closed in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. The commUNITY coalition will have a special event Monday evening with guest speaker Dwania Kyles who was part of a group of 13 first graders during desegregation of the Memphis Schools. The link can be found on
I hope you will join us.
Thank you and stay strong, safe, and kind.
Dr. Pedersen
Lawrence Thursday January 14th
Good evening. Lawrence had no reported cases today. We have approximately 40 staff and students district wide that are continuing their quarantine. The cooperation of all members of our learning community shows the strength of this beautiful community. Thank you.
Dr. Pedersen
Good afternoon 2nd grade families. ONLY our second and third grade students will be on full remote instruction this week. All cohort A (blue) students will remain home and receive remote instruction for the remainder of the week. Please check your teachers Google Classroom for additional information as to when to log on.
Good afternoon 3rd grade families. ONLY our third grade students will be on full remote instruction this week. All cohort A (blue) students will remain home and receive remote instruction. Please check your teachers Google Classroom for additional information as to when to log on.
Some Lawrence staff , identified as NYS group 1A , have started to get the vaccine. This is very good news and we anxiously await vaccines being made available to our teachers, staff, children, and families. I’m pretty certain we all want one of these “ proof of COVID vaccination cards”.
Lawrence’s first vaccination! Nurse Susan Brooks from Lawrence Middle School proudly displays her vaccination band-aid and says “ We can do this America!” Today the county opened up vaccination for school nurses. We are delighted to see this process begin.
Dear Lawrence Families, The district has been notified of positive COVID-19 cases (unrelated to one another). Please see the following letter for more information. Stay well!
Happy New Year! We are excited to see our students, whether in-person or remotely, as we resume school tomorrow, January 4th! Tomorrow begins a Cohort B (yellow) week for our hybrid, in-person learners.
Please remember if your child is an in-person learner to complete the Frontline Health App at least one hour prior to arrival to school!
As a reminder, if your child has traveled out of the tri-state area, your child MUST quarantine for 3 days from the date of return and get a COVID test on the 4th day. With the receipt of a negative COVID test, your child can return to school. This is NYS regulation and we appreciate your help in keeping our school healthy and safe! [Please see Dr. Pedersen's post for more information]
¡Feliz año nuevo! ¡Estamos emocionados de ver a nuestros estudiantes, ya sea en persona o de forma remota, a partir de mañana, 4 de enero! ¡Estamos emocionados de dar la bienvenida a nuestros estudiantes en persona de la Cohorte B (amarillo) mañana!
¡Recuerde que si su hijo/a es un alumno en persona, debe completar la aplicación Frontline Health antes de las 8 am todos los días!
Si su hijo/a ha viajado fuera del área de los tres estados, DEBE estar en cuarentena durante 3 días a partir de la fecha de regreso y someterse a una prueba de COVID el cuarto día. Con la recepción de una prueba COVID negativa, su hijo/a puede regresar a la escuela. ¡Estas son las regulaciones del estado de Nueva York y apreciamos su ayuda para mantener nuestra escuela segura y saludable! [Consulte la publicación del Dr. Pedersen para obtener más información]
Quarantine Reminders
For travel out of the tristate -
The traveler must, upon arrival in New York, quarantine for three days.
On day 4 of their quarantine, the traveler must obtain another COVID test. If both tests comes back negative, the traveler may exit quarantine early upon receipt of the second negative diagnostic test.
NYS has now aligned with the CDC and quarantine is now 10 days or 7 days if a negative test is taken between days 5 and 7.
Persons who come out of quarantine are advised to continue to monitor for symptoms for 14 days.
Please feel free to email with any questions, these are certainly confusing times.
Thank you
Welcome to 2021! School will reopen on Monday, January 4th. Please remember to complete the health app, stay home if you have any symptoms, and follow quarantine guidelines for any travel you may have taken.
With the vaccine on the horizon we are hopeful for the future, however we must remain mindful of safety protocols to keep one another healthy.
Onward to a safe and healthy 2021!
Dr. Pedersen
Dear Lawrence Families, The district has been notified of 2 positive COVID-19 cases (unrelated to one another). Please see the following letter for more information. Stay well!
Good afternoon Lawrence,
The Department of Health has alerted us to a positive case at the High School, last date in school was Monday the 14th. Any close contacts are being notified. We also have an unrelated HS case with no close contacts.
During the break please email me with any COVID questions or case notifications To ensure the safest tracing process, we need to be contacted directly please.
Today is the winter solstice, the shortest day of a very long year. I hope it finds you all well.
Stay strong and stay safe.
All my best,
Dr. Pedersen
Thursday December 17th Have a safe and beautiful snow Day! Put your Chromebooks and tech down and enjoy the beauty of the world. The quiet and beauty is timeless.
It sifts from Leaden Sieves
Written in 1830
It powders all the Wood.
It fills with Alabaster Wool
The Wrinkles of the Road -
It makes an even Face
Of Mountain, and of Plain -
Unbroken Forehead from the East
Unto the East again -
It reaches to the Fence -
It wraps it Rail by Rail
Till it is lost in Fleeces -
It deals Celestial Vail
Good afternoon Lawrence Families -
Lawrence will have a snow day tomorrow, December 17th and a remote learning day December 18th. We hope that the year ends peacefully for you and your family. Please see general December news here
Stay safe and stay well.
Today at 11 AM Island Harvest Food Bank will be at 130 Hewlett Point Ave in East Rockaway distributing food for families in need. Please be sure to wear a facemask, practice social distancing, and bring a rolling cart and shopping bags, if walking. Food will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis, while supplies last.
Free coats for the holidays
Sunday December 20 2:00-3:30 PM
131 Washington Avenue
Coats will be displayed at the side parking lot 389 Mulry Lane Lawrence NY
Socially distancing rules and masking will be strictly adhered to
Open to all !!
New York State has extended the deadline for REMOTE LEARNERS to submit the required immunizations to the health office. A letter regarding the extended deadline can be found at
Please be advised that the original deadline is still in effect for all students who attend in person classes.
Island Harvest Food Bank is hosting a free food distribution for Lawrence students and families in need. The distribution will take place at 130 Hewlett Park Ave in East Rockaway tomorrow, December 16, at 11:00am. Please be sure to wear a facemask, practice social distancing, and bring a rolling cart and shopping bags, if walking. Food will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis, while supplies last.
Dear LPS Families. There will be food distribution Wednesday, December 16 and Friday, December 18 morning from 8:45 - 11:00AM. Breakfast items will be distributed on Wednesday and lunch items/vegetables on Friday between the designated times. For all walkers, food will be distributed as you drop off your students at their designated arrival time. For bussers, food will be sent home with students. Please be available to assist your child with the provided meals at the bus stop. Wishing all a happy and healthy holiday!
Queridas familias de la Escuela Primaria de Lawrence (LPS). Habrá distribución de alimentos el miércoles 16 de diciembre y el viernes 18 de diciembre por la mañana de 8:45 am a 11:00 am. Los desayunos se distribuirán el miércoles y los del almuerzo / vegetales será el viernes entre los horarios designados. Para todos los que vienen a recoger a pie, la comida se distribuirá cuando dejen a sus estudiantes a la hora de llegada designada. Para los que viajan en autobús, la comida se enviará a casa con los estudiantes. Por favor, esté disponible para ayudar a su hijo con las comidas provistas en la parada del autobús. ¡Deseando a todos unas felices y saludables vacaciones!
With the holidays approaching, we want to ensure the health and safety of our school community upon return on January 4, 2021. The CDC has provided restrictions and guidance regarding travel to further prevent the spread of COVID-19. Please view the following link for additional information Wishing everyone a happy and healthy holiday season!